Friday, September 25, 2009

Chase Jarvis: BestCamera

Ever wish you could Shoot, Edit, and Share all in one app on your iPhone? I have. And now, thanks to Chase Jarvis and Ubermind, it's here. BestCamera not only enables the iPhone to shoot and apply various filters to images, but also to share the images directly to facebook, twitter, and the new Best Camera Website, Watch chase explain the app and then buy it! It's well worth 3 duckets. See my BestCamera Pics here.

Jeremy Cowart: Help-Portrait

On December 12, 2009 photograhers, content producers, and other media folks will be participating in Help-Portrait. I plan on participating, and you should too.

A brief note on this project:
Those of you that do "service" as required by a certain "university," should really consider participating. The majority of you participate in "service" as part of mission trips vacations. This is a great way to help those in your own backyard rather than cleaning up trash on a hillside in Kentucky as an excuse to explore caves. If you want to participate and don't know how, feel free to contact me, as I am working with others in the area and we are still determining how best to approach this project.