Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Photos

Did some shooting last weekend...20091012 Engagement
Self Portrait of Tammi and I. It seemed appropriate to shoot some kind of engagement picture.

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Shot the rest of these during a drive through the country near East Finley, PA.

Video in Print

I've read a lot about this lately, but for those of you that haven't: It's closer than you think. There have been multiple magazines that have expiremented with video inserts and advertising. They have all been special edition releases to a select set of readers. However, if when this takes off and becomes affordable, it's going to give a new delivery medium to videographers...

It doesn't stop there though:
As this technology evolves, it can be joined with touch technology which would allow for interactive video + user response enabled media. For those of you that are developing true multimedia content like this, just imagine the possibilities...

Final thought...
Imagine you're walking into a church for a wedding, you are handed a program, in that program is a video page w/ a video of the bride and groom thanking you for attending. -just one of a million uses...